The new SARS solar energy tax credit
The tax credit for individuals installing solar panels is here, for a limited time only. The proposed new law regarding the tax credit available to individuals who install solar panels has been announced. The system will be introduced in the form of a tax credit, as opposed to a tax deduction. This is good news, […]
Sars verander BTW-registrasiereëls na styging in verdagte aktiwiteit
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (SAID) het onlangs gesê hy stel strenger voorwaardes op diegene wat as BTW-ondernemers wil registreer nadat dit ‘n kommerwekkende tendens in verdagte aktiwiteite opgemerk het. Die SAID het onlangs’n beduidende styging gesien wat vereis dat hy ‘n dringende hersiening van sy registrasieproses moet doen en glo groot getalle registrasies word gedoen met […]
When SARS requests supporting documents
E-filing doesn’t allow ‘secured’ or password-protected documents to be uploaded—but there is a solution Following SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter’s announcement that he intends to rebuild SARS’ enforcement capabilities as part of his quest to become the scourge of recalcitrant taxpayers, there has been a noticeable increase in requests from SARS for the submission of supporting […]
Wees waaksaam teen die ‘Ides van die SAID’
Telefoniese oudits is besig om toe te neem “’n Waarsêer waarsku jou teen die ides van Maart”. Hierdie bekende Shakespeare-aanhaling wat vooraf teen die ongeluk van die Romeinse keiser, Julius Caesar, waarsku (wat Caesar uiteindelik geïgnoreer het en gevolglik tot sy dood gelei het) is dalk nie so argaïes soos dit wat dit met die […]
SARS efiling identity theft
It has been communicated to SAICA members over the last few weeks that there appears to be an increasing incidence of cases where certain individuals are defrauding the South African Revenue Services (SARS).The fraud involves using taxpayer eFiling profiles to create fictitious refunds or divert actual refunds. The former is done by submitting fictitious returns […]
SARS rules that students do not qualify as employees
In a Binding Private Ruling issued on 6 July 2021, SARS has made strict ruling on an Employment Tax Incentive Act (ETI) scheme that has been doing the rounds. It is not often that negative rulings get published and it is therefore a unique situation that should serve as a warning to those participating in […]
Arbitrêre praktyke deur die SAID tydens die uitreiking van assesserings
Die Wet op Belastingadministrasie maak voorsiening vir die oudit en verifiëring van belastingbetalers se belastingopgawes vir alle belasting wat deur die Kommissaris van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (SAID) geadministreer word. In baie van die gevalle is die briewe wat deur belastingbetalers ontvang word in dié verband standaard-briewe wat nie enigsins meer spesifieke inligting bied rakende wat […]
SARS se gesag om ‘n bank as invorderingsagent aan te stel
Beslissings in Suid-Afrikaanse howe vorm ‘n wesenlike bron van die wet. Die howe handhaaf die Grondwet en ontwikkel ‘n Gemenereg wat konsekwent is met die waardes van die Grondwet, sowel as die doel en gees van die Handves van Regte. Met betrekking tot belasting, dra die Hof deur hierdie beslissings by tot die manier waarop wetgewing geïnterpreteer word, of die regte en verpligtinge van belastingbetalers en die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens bevestig word. Om die belastingslandskap dus te waardeer, moet daar […]
Non-profit organisations can apply for approval as a “public benefit organisation” (“PBO”) in terms of section 30(3) of the Income Tax Act[1] in order to qualify for tax exemption under section 10(1)(cN) of the Income Tax Act. In terms of these provisions, the organisation’s sole or principal object must be the carrying on of one […]
The South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) has recently made changes with regards to the management of payroll taxes in order for employers to more effectively manage their own accounts by way of a number of functions and tools. SARS states that the aim of these changes is to allow employers to ensure that all their […]