SARS efiling identity theft

It has been communicated to SAICA members over the last few weeks that there appears to be an increasing incidence of cases where certain individuals are defrauding the South African Revenue Services (SARS).The fraud involves using taxpayer eFiling profiles to create fictitious refunds or divert actual refunds. The former is done by submitting fictitious returns […]

Becoming a Chartered Accountant

The process of becoming a chartered accountant can be a grueling and challenging part of your life, just ask any chartered accountant out there. Becoming a CA(SA) requires a minimum of four years of studies and three years internship that can be split into six steps: Admission to university To get admission to university for […]


The process of becoming a chartered accountant can be a grueling and challenging part of your life, just ask any chartered accountant out there. Becoming a CA(SA) requires a minimum of four years of studies and three years internship that can be split into six steps: Admission to university To get admission to university for […]

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