Ring-Fencing Trading Losses

SECTION 20 of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 deals with the set-off of losses from a trade against other income.  In general, such set-off is allowed (see sub-paragraph (1)(b)), provided that the loss is incurred in the taxpayer’s own name (i.e. not in a company, CC, or trust).  The loss must also have been incurred with-in the Republic of South Africa to qualify for set-off.

Beware of Tax-Related Scams

Over the past five years, the SAFPS has seen a steady increase in the number of tax-related scams. Improved efficiency To improve efficiency when it comes to processing tax returns, and to encourage individuals and businesses to file their tax returns timeously, SARS launched its eFiling service in 2000. This allows taxpayers to file their […]

The Financial Costs and Benefits of Solar Power

The shift towards renewable energy in South Africa has seen a significant rise in the adoption of solar power. While the benefits of solar energy, such as sustainability and long-term cost savings, are well-known, it’s important to also consider the hidden costs and challenges associated with solar power systems. This balanced analysis aims to provide […]

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