Hoe om beleggings geleenthede te evalueer

‘n Lonende belegging begin met ‘n deeglike evaluering. Om te verstaan hoe om beleggings geleenthede te evalueer, stel jou in staat om jou finansiële toekoms te beskerm. Dit gaan nie net daaroor om ‘n potensieel winsgewende onderneming raak te sien nie, maar ook om vas te stel of die geleentheid in lyn is met jou […]
Keeping things fair in the business race
The purpose of the Competition Act 89 of 1998(“the Act”) is to promote the efficiency, adaptability, and development of the economy, and to ensure that small and medium-sized enterprises have equitable opportunities. Certain practices, including restrictive horizontal practices, restrictive vertical practices, and abuse of dominance, are prohibited in terms of the Competition Act. The Competition […]
Legal guide to age thresholds for children and young people
The Bill of Rights and the Children’s Act define a ‘child’ as a person under the age of 18 years. This means that all people under the age of 18 years are entitled to the protection guaranteed by section 28 of the Bill of Rights and the provisions of the Children’s Act. The age of […]
Is business interruption insurance the key?
A business interruption insurance policy typically caters for a decrease in turnover or profit (depending on the type of cover); an increase in operating expenses and a move to a temporary location (if necessary). The question arises whether or not COVID-19 qualifies as an insured event which could lead to a valid and enforceable insurance […]
Understanding the debt review process
In these difficult economic circumstances, you may find yourself in a position where you are unable to pay your debt. The National Credit Act makes provision for debt management in the form of debt review by making an application to the court to restructure the payment schemes of all your creditors. It may be a […]
Video Conferencing Safety Tips
In the past few months, COVID-19’s unwelcome visit has led to the increased need for social distancing and, by extension, new methods of communication within and outside the workplace. As businesses move to online meetings there are a wide array of new security challenges that come with it. Not least of these is that of […]